Monday, August 26, 2013

I Am My Own Stereotype

I Am My Own Stereotype by Delaine Derry Green is a book of diary comix that come from the zine My Small Diary.  They are full of energy and life.  They're not daily journal comix--they span longer periods of time.

So much of whether autobiography is enjoyable depends on the personality of the creator.  It's like friend chemistry.  So let me tell you about Delaine.  She's in some ways the opposite of me, yet I like her very much and in some ways envy her.

Delaine is energetic, fun, and socializes a lot.  She enjoys drinking with friends and sometimes gambling.  She enjoys large parties like Mardi Gras.  She has close friends who she sees a lot and is a well-loved employee, often getting raises.  She also likes cheese and collects PEZ dispensers.  She's lucky, winning contests.  She travels and attends rock concerts.  Sometimes she talks about her unusual dreams.  Overall, she's not afraid to talk about herself a lot, which makes sense seeing as this is diary comix.

In addition to the evocative and charming drawings, Delaine has a way with words and an eye for what's truly interesting.  It's real life, but what of real life she chooses to share with us tells a story.  The details are sometimes amazing and almost unbelievable.

As I began to read I Am My Own Stereotype, I felt suddenly dropped into a frenetic world.  The more I read, the more accustomed to this world I became until I was mostly comfortable in it.

This book is a great addition to any comix bookshelf, and if you like diary comix and enjoy upbeat people, it will be perfect for you.