Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Quit Your Job and Eat Pizza 2

This zine excited me.  It made me feel like new things are possible.  It's about going overseas for an art school thing for adults.


Saturday, March 14, 2015

if you'd like to hear it // i can sing it for you

if you'd like to hear it // i can sing it for you is a beautiful zine.  It's a comp zine about aging.  The perspectives are varied--young people watching old people die.  Older people watching themselves die.  It's artfully arranged and very well done.  The end is chilling and vivid.  It's about death a lot.  There are feelings here.  And good details.  The zine is full of many lives.

My favorite piece was "language lesson" by Mallory Everhart of Colorado.  It's about caring for dementia patients and loving endlessly.

Unflinching but never gratuitously graphic.  Smart and right.  Many comp zines are too long and arranged in a seemingly random fashion.  This one avoids that skillfully.

My only criticism is that some of the art photocopied poorly.  Also, Joe Biel's piece stuck out in that he has a long braggy bio when no one else in the zine does.

if you'd like to hear it // i can sing it for you is a great #1, and I hope A.L. finds much success with other issues.
